A complaint will be declared inadmissible not only if it is being considered under another procedure of international investigation or settlement, but also if it has already been considered under such a procedure.
In cases where the Committee makes a decision (officially referred to as views) on the merits of a case, it also makes recommendations on the remedies to be provided by the State party. The recommendations may be general in nature, dealing with policy issues in the State party, or specific in nature, taking into account the case under consideration. The various recommendations of the Committee include the following: measures aimed at ending violations against the victim; ensuring restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for the victim; legal reform and changes in policies and practices that are contrary to the provisions of the Convention; measures to prevent the recurrence of violations.
Within six months from the date of receipt of the Committee's decision and recommendations, the State party is required to provide a written response detailing any measures it has taken. The Committee may subsequently invite the State party to provide additional information. It may be provided in the form of updated information in the State party's next periodic report to the Committee.