A complaint will be declared inadmissible not only if it is being considered under another procedure of international investigation or settlement, but also if the same issue has already been decided in the past under such a procedure (See article 22, paragraph 4 (a) of the Convention.). In addition, the Committee's rules of procedure state that a complaint may be rejected as inadmissible if the period of time that has elapsed since the exhaustion of domestic remedies is so unreasonably long that it unduly complicates the consideration of the complaint by the Committee or the State party.
During the consideration of a case, the Committee may, in accordance with its rules of procedure, invite the parties to participate in specific closed meetings to provide further clarifications or answers to questions concerning the merits of the complaint. However, such cases are exceptional, and if the applicant cannot personally attend the meeting, this does not affect the consideration of the case.
If the Committee concludes that, by its action or alleged action, for example, in the case of imminent expulsion to a country where a person may be at risk of torture, the State has violated or may violate its obligations under the Convention as a State party, it shall send its decision to the State party with a request to provide information within 90 days on the implementation of the recommendations.
In the light of the information provided, the Committee shall take such follow-up measures as may be deemed necessary in accordance with its follow-up procedure.