Who can file a complaint with the UN Committees?

Заголовок: Who can file a complaint with the UN Committees? Сведения: 2024-04-30 09:21:11

Any person may file a complaint with the committee against a State that satisfies these two conditions (is a party to the relevant treaty and has recognized the competence of the committee to consider individual complaints), claiming that his or her rights enshrined in the relevant treaty have been violated. There is no need for a lawyer to prepare the case, although legal advice can improve the quality of the submitted materials. However, complainants should be aware of the fact that the United Nations does not provide legal assistance under these procedures. Complaints may be filed on behalf of the alleged victim, subject to her written consent. In certain cases, such consent is not required, for example, when the alleged victim is incommunicado in prison or has been subjected to enforced disappearance. In such cases, the applicant must clearly indicate the reason why such consent cannot be granted.

There are no requirements for a specific form of written agreement.



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