Procedures for submitting individual complaints in accordance with United Nations human rights treaties

Заголовок: Procedures for submitting individual complaints in accordance with United Nations human rights treaties Сведения: 2024-04-27 16:11:33

Anyone has the right to draw the attention of the United Nations to an alleged violation of human rights, and thousands of people around the world do so every year. This Statement of Facts explains the procedures available to individuals who claim to be victims of violations of the rights enshrined in international human rights treaties.

It is through individual complaints that human rights gain concrete meaning. When making judgments on specific cases, international norms, which in other cases may seem general and abstract, are transferred to the practical plane. When applied to the real situation of a particular person, the norms contained in international human rights treaties are applied in the most direct way. The totality of the decisions taken can serve as a guide for States, civil society and individuals in interpreting the modern meaning of these treaties.

Individuals are gaining more and more opportunities to assert their rights at the international level. This Statement of Facts addresses complaints that are submitted in accordance with international human rights treaties. Since the early 1970s, there has been a rapid development of international mechanisms for submission and review of complaints, and individuals can now file claims with the United Nations regarding violations of their rights contained in nine so-called "core" human rights treaties (at the time of writing, not all are based on contractual (mechanisms for the submission and consideration of complaints have entered into force):

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination;

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;

International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance;

International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families;

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;

The Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols.

Complaint mechanisms are designed to be accessible to ordinary people. You do not need to be a lawyer or even know the legal and special terminology to file a complaint under these agreements.

There are a number of other ways to submit individual complaints to United Nations bodies.

Complaints can be submitted according to the relevant procedure of the Human Rights Council (formerly known as the 1503 procedure), its special rapporteurs and working groups and the Commission on the Status of Women. However, these procedures have a different focus compared to the procedures provided for in the above-mentioned international treaties, which provide for individual compensation through quasi-judicial mechanisms. Complaints may also be submitted to organizations within the broader United Nations family, such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) ) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( ).



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