The process of reviewing the report is carried out within the framework of two consecutive sessions of the Committee. At the first session, the report is transmitted to a group of four to six Committee members, known as the Country Reports Task Force (CGSF). The decision to establish the CGSD was made in March 2002. Its purpose is to streamline the reporting procedure and improve the quality of dialogue with States parties. At least one of the members of the CCGS must represent the same region as the relevant State. One of the members of the Group is appointed as the "country rapporteur", whose duties include presenting the report and comments on it at all stages of its consideration by the Committee.
With the assistance of the Committee's secretariat, the CCGS prepares a "list of issues" arising from the relevant report and other information provided to the Committee. The list of issues addresses the most serious problems related to the implementation of Covenant rights in a particular State and often requests additional information on key issues. The list of issues shall be transmitted to the State party in advance at least one session prior to the session at which the report will be considered in the presence of representatives of the State party. The increasingly widespread practice of States submitting their responses in writing (preferably in the three working languages of the Committee: English, French and Spanish) to the list of issues is of real assistance to Committee members. These responses should be submitted in advance or at the very beginning of the Committee's public consideration of its relevant report.