Decision of the ECHR of 08 October 2019 in the case of Maslennikov v. Russia (application No. 29842/11).
In 2011, the applicant was assisted in preparing the application. Subsequently, the application was communicated to the Russian Federation.
The case has successfully examined the application about violations of the applicant’s rights to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence, as well as the fact that the courts of the respondent state did not properly motivate their decisions regarding the rejection of the evidence presented by the applicant that could justify him. The case has violated the requirements of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
In his application, the applicant complained that the courts of the respondent State had not properly motivated their decisions in respect of the rejection of the evidence submitted by the applicant that could justify him. He also complained of a violation of his right to a fair trial and the right to the presumption of innocence.
On 08 October 2019, in an application lodged by the applicant, the Court unanimously ruled that in the present case the Russian authorities violated the requirements of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention (right to a fair trial) and that the finding of a violation constitutes sufficient just satisfaction for non-pecuniary damage to the applicant.