ECHR Ordinance of September 20, 2018 in the case of Chernykh and Others v. Russia (complaints NN 32503/10, 52653/11, 54543/13, 60693/13, 68728/13, 78031/13, 80910 / 13 and 9699/14).
The case was successfully considered by the applicants' complaints that the courts of the respondent state had not properly notified them of the hearings in civil cases where they were parties. The case has violated the requirements of Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (right to a fair trial) in respect of all applicants.
In 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014, complainants were assisted in preparing complaints. Subsequently, the complaints were merged and communicated to the Russian Federation.
In their complaints, the applicants (eight people) complained that the courts of the respondent state had not properly notified them of the hearings in civil cases where they were parties.
On September 20, 2018, the European Court unanimously ruled that in the present case the authorities violated the requirement of Article 6 of the Convention (the right to a fair trial) in respect of all applicants, and ordered the respondent state to pay the applicants 1 500 euro each. moral damages.